Category: Bank Partners stories

Bank Partners named Recruitment Services Provider of the Year

By Elizabeth Major on 15/03/18

We’re very proud to announce that we have been awarded Recruitment Services Provider at the inaugural HSJ Partnership Awards for our work with Barts Health NHS Trust to reduce agency spend at the Royal London Hospital.

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Flu: myths vs reality

By Elizabeth Troake on 07/11/17

‘Tis the season…to get your flu jab. At Bank Partners, we encourage all our staff to take advantage of the flu vaccine in order to protect both themselves and patients. It’s also the time of year where myths about flu can rear their head, so we’ve put together a list of the most widely-heard flu fibs and the truth behind them.

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Things that go bump in the night shift…

By Elizabeth Troake on 31/10/17

For busy healthcare workers, Halloween can be one more stress that really isn't needed. (After all, if you’ve just survived a 12-hour shift you might feel scary enough already). Especially if you’re unlucky enough to work with one of these ghoulish characters. Do you recognise any of these?

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Flexible careers for the right people

By Elizabeth Troake on 27/10/17

The Moorfield’s Staff Bank team are looking for experienced non-clinical staff to join the team at our Tooting site. We’re looking to get some great team members on board as soon as possible so apply now.

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Needlesticks: The sharp end of workplace injuries

By Elizabeth Troake on 23/10/17

Needlestick/sharps injuries or exposure to blood or body fluid are the worst nightmare of most healthcare workers. However careful you are, sometimes accidents happen – and they’re more common than you might think. In fact, needlestick or sharps injuries account for roughly 17% of accidents involving NHS staff and are the second most common injury just behind manual handling.

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